Westpac Transaction Banking 00 NCC Code: 31900

National clearing code (NCC Code) of Westpac Transaction Banking 00 branch in Wellington is 31900(Bank code# 3 Branch code# 1900) . Address is Transaction Banking 00, 318 Lambton Quay, Level 11 , Wellington .

NCC Code: 31900

National Clearing Code (NCC)31900
Bank NameWestpac
Branch NameTransaction Banking 00
Bank Code3
Branch Code1900
Address318 Lambton Quay, Level 11
Post Code
POB NumberPO Box 691
POB LocationService Direct Wellington
POB Post Code6140
STD Code(04)
Phone Number8011633
CountryNew Zealand

NCC Codes Of Other Westpac Branches In Wellington

Transaction Banking 99 (31799)Transaction Banking 108 (31901)